Battle Of Redcliff

Battle Of Redcliff

May 13 2021

Battle Of Redcliff

From Academic Kids

  1. Battle Of Red Cliff History
  2. Why Is Battle Of Red Cliffs Famous
  3. Battle Of Red Cliffs China

Battle of Red Cliffs (赤壁之戰 Battle of Chibi) was a decisive battle during the standoff of the Three Kingdoms in China. It took place in the winter of 208 between the allied forces of the southern warlords (Liu Bei and Sun Quan), and the northern warlord, Cao Cao. Liu and Sun successfully frustrated Cao's effort to conquer the land south of the Yangtze River and reunify China. Despite being one of the most famous battles of Chinese history, descriptions of the battle differ widely on details; in fact, even the place of battle is still fiercely debated.

The Battle of Red Cliffs (also known as the Battle of Chibi, 208 CE) was the pivotal engagement between the forces of Northern China led by the warlord Cao Cao (l. 155-220 CE) and the allied defenders of the south under the command of Liu Bei (d. 223 CE) and Sun Quan (d. The Battle of Red Cliffs unfolded in three stages: an initial skirmish at Red Cliffs followed by a retreat to the Wulin battlefields on the northwestern bank of the Yangtze, a decisive naval.

2 Opposing forces
4 Aftermath


By 208, the Duke of Wei, Cao Cao had controlled all of the North China Plain. He completed a successful campaign against the Wuhuan in the winter of 207, thus securing his northern frontier. Almost immediately afterward, his army turned south in the autumn of 208, aiming to eliminate his main southern rivals swiftly. Meanwhile, Liu Biao, Governor of Jing province, died in that year and his successor meekly surrendered.

Liu Bei, then at garrison at Fan (modern Xiangfan), quickly fled south with a large refugee population following him. He was pursued by Cao Cao's elite cavalry, and was surrounded at the Battle of Changban. Liu further fled east to Xiakou, where he liaised with Sun Quan's emissary Lu Su. Liu's main advisor Zhuge Liang was sent down the Yangtze to negotiate a mutual front against Cao Cao with the state of Wu. Zhuge Liang's eloquence and Wu's chief commander, Zhou Yu's support finally persuaded the King of Wu, Sun Quan, to agree on the alliance against the northerners.

Opposing forces

Meanwhile Cao Cao had captured the strategic centre and military depot of Jiangling, and harbored his massive fleet there. The combined Sun-Liu force sailed upstream to Red Cliffs, where they encountered Cao Cao's courier force. After a mild skirmish, both sides temporarily ceased activity - with Cao camped northern of the Yangtze River and the allies in the south. Cao Cao boasted a troop of 830,000 men, with a sizeable cavalry and naval division. Zhou Yu had around 30,000 marines whilst the exiled Liu Bei managed around 20,000.


Battle Of Red Cliff History

The decisive blow to Cao came shortly afterwards, though the sources vary on whether Liu or Sun struck it. The most detailed account comes from the biography of Zhou Yu, which details how the Sun commander Huang Gai planned an attack on Cao Cao with fireships. The source tells of the devastation wrought in the Cao camp by the fires. In any case, a general order of retreat was given to Cao's troop, and it is likely that the northerners destroyed a number of their own ships during the retreat. There are hints that the northerners were at the time already plagued by disease and low morale.

Many other sources indicate that a combination of Wei's underestimation and Shu's deception resulted in the allies' victory in the Battle of Chibi (Red Cliffs). Cao Cao's generals and solders were mostly from cavalry and infantry, and almost none had any experience in battles on the water. Immersed in his victory over Wuhuan, Cao Cao simply assumed that superiority in number would eventually defeat the Wu and Shu navy (the ratio of the naval forces on the two sides are estimated as 220,000 to 50,000). He converted his massive infantry and cavalry army into a marine corps and a navy, which was his first tactical mistake. Even with only a few days of drills before the battle, Cao Cao's troop was already decimated by sea-sickness and lack of water experiece, as many of his 'fresh' crew could not even swim. Tropical diseases to which southerners had long been immune also plagued the soldiers of the north, and had lost control in Cao Cao's camps.

It was under such situation that Pang Tong, a well-known strategist and peer of Zhuge Liang who is loyal to Shu, infiltrated into Cao Cao's army as a military adviser. Under the advice of Zhuge Liang, he recommended Cao Cao to chain his entire fleet together to 'prevent sea-sickness and disease'. Cao Cao, who was famous for his suspicion, believed in Pang Tong, since he was extremely worried that his troop would be debilitated by the unfamiliar environment.

Within days, sea-sickness was drastically decreaed, as the ships would rock less when chained together. Cao Cao then embraced this plan evern more whole-heartedly. The strategy, dubbed 'Together-Chained-Tactic', was actually devised by Zhuge Liang, and this seemingly beneficial act would eventually cause the debacle of his fleet.

At the same time, Zhuge Liang calculated that at this time of the year, winds would only blow in the direction of North-West (which was called a South-eastern wind). Cao Cao's fleet, which was anchored in the North-West relative to Shu's and Wu's camps, was then thoroughly exposed to a fire attack. Zhuge Liang betted on this South-eastern wind to even out the chances of the Wu and Shu's inferior forces.

On the eve of the battle, Cao Cao finally realized that the South-eastern wind disrupted his entire fleet movement, as his fleet could not advance against a wind blowing straight towards it. A general retreat order was issued, but as his fleet was chained tightly to one and another, panic broke out and prevented the fleet from retreating effectively. The entire fleet of 2,000 was then trapped in the middle of the Yangtze river with mobility that is next to zero.

In a desperate effort, Cao Cao called for an attack against the allied force. However, the arrows from Cao Cao's fleet could not reach the Wu and Shu's fleets, as the South-eastern wind blew the arrows away from their designated targets. Cao Cao's strategies of overwhelming the Shu-Wu navies with boarding parties had failed as soon as the fleet was immobilized. The Shu-Wu forces, aided by the wind, launched arrows with fire tipps at the hapless warships of Cao Cao. A combination of volleys of 'fire arrows' and attacks of the 'fire ships' led by Huang Gai eventually destroyed the entire 2,000 warships of Cao Cao. The survivors of the Wei Navy had to row back to the northern shores in small boats, with interception of Shu-Wu marines and skirmishers all along the way.

As his force fell back in disorder, Cao Cao was chased by Liu Bei's troops along the way. Ambushes set by Huang Zhong, Zhao Yun, and Zhang Fei continued to break down Cao Cao's force until Huarong Path, where he faced the legendary Shu general Guan Yu. According to the legend, Guan Yu, moved by Cao Cao's raggness and weary troops, recalled Cao Cao's kind treatment to him at the Battle of Guandu when Cao Cao sheltered Guan Yu; so he allowed Cao Cao to escape with his remnant troop of 27 men (this is the amount of soldiers Cao Cao had alongside of him, not the total number of soldiers survived the battle.). The legend also alleged that Zhuge Liang divined that Guan Yu would let Cao Cao off beforehand; but in order to show discipline, he still pretended being infuriated by Guan Yu's act and almost sentenced Guan Yu to death for not obeying orders, but was stopped by Liu Bei, the sworn brother of Guan Yu.


By the end of 209, the command Cao Cao had established at Jiangling fell to Zhou Yu. Liu Bei, on the other hand, had set up his own kingdom by taking over the four commanderies south of the Yangzi River. He also occupied Cao Cao's Jingzhou, a strategic fortress on the Chang Jiang River that Wu claimed itself. Jingzhou's location gave Liu Bei virtually unlimited access to the passage into Shu, important waterways into Wu, and dominion of the southern Yangtze river. According to the Shu-Wu treaty however, Jingzhou belonged to Wu, and hence Sun Quan was extremely bitter over this act of betrayal by Liu Bei, and Shu-Wu ties were officially severed. As a result, Shu and Wu would be warring over Jingzhou for the next 20 years. Wei, under Cao Cao's control, was still recuperating from the losses suffered in the Battle of Chibi, and therefore did not have enough resource to defend or retake Jingzhou from its southern rivals.

It is later claimed by some scholars that Zhuge Liang had planned this battle all along, calculating that Sun Quan's Wu force would be most weakened after the Battle of Chibi so that Shu could take the advantage of expanding its territory. Zhuge Liang gave the fortress of Jingzhou to Guan Yu, who maintained and guarded it until his death in 219.


Never again would Cao Cao command such a large fleet as he had at Jiangling nor similar opportunity to destroy his southern rivals would again present itself. Therefore, the Battle of Red Cliffs and the capture of Jingzhou confirmed the separation of Southern China from the northern Yellow River valley heartland. The battle not only formally established the division of China to the Three Kingdoms, but also foreshadowed the north-south hostility of the later centuries.ja:赤壁の戦いzh:赤壁之战

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The end of the mighty Han Dynasty was marked by one of Chinese history’s most significant turning points – the Battle of Red Cliffs, or battle of Chibi.

The aftermath of the Red Cliffs battle laid the foundation of the Three Kingdoms period, known as one of the bloodiest times in Chinese History.

The Battle of Red Cliffs took place in 208 A.D. The allied forces of the southern warlords Liu Bei from the Kingdom of Shu and Sun Quan from the Kingdom of Wu successfully won against the northern warlord Cao Cao from the Kingdom of Wei. Although the sight of the battle itself is open to a debate, a possible location is the southern bank of Yangtze River.

Cao Cao was a powerful warlord, who for a short time managed to unify the entire North China Plain under his rule and secured the frontier of his land. After 208, when he gained absolute power over Northern China, Cao Cao’s next aim was to eliminate his rivals on the South and take control over all the Chinese lands. The mighty northern warlord gathered an army of 800,000 men (though that number is debatable) and began his campaign to the South. Other sources estimate the army couldn’t have been larger than 240,000.

The Yangtze River was a strategical point of economic and political significance for the unification of the empire Cao Cao aimed at. Thus, this was his prime target, if the Northern warlord was to take over the South. The river was in the hands of the southern lords Liu Biao – who died shortly before the battle – Sun Quan and their ally Liu Bei.

The South did not wait helplessly for the invasion to begin. The southern generals formulated their tactics, knowing how best to take advantage of Cao Cao’s bloated troop numbers, and raised a force of 50-80,000 men, around half of which were trained in naval warfare.

Cao Cao’s men were not trained for naval battles, and they had marched to the point of exhaustion. The northern army was also badly supplied for it was an enormous force, highly undisciplined and hard to maneuver. The morale and the loyalty of the army were also questionable, as many of the men were the soldiers of other defeated lords, including those of Liu Bei who was defeated in a battle earlier.

The Three Stages of Defeat – Battle of Red Cliffs


Why Is Battle Of Red Cliffs Famous

Before the battle could start, Cao Cao’s army was already affected by sea sickness and the men started to die from the lack of fresh water and rest. The northern warlord was forced to make a camp, and the army settled on the northern bank of the river, while on the south were the defenders. Cao Cao ordered his men to chain together the ships, in order to reduce the impact of the waves and allow his men to recover a little.


Continues on Page 2

General Zhou Yu seized that opportunity and crafted a plan to damage the fleet of the invaders. He pretended he was changing sides and surrendering to Cao Cao. He filled his ships with all sorts of burning materials and when they got close enough, his men set them ablaze and secretly left the fire ships with small boats.

Zhou Yu’s plan worked perfectly. The burning ships clashed in the chained navy of the northerners and set it on fire, alongside with countless of Cao Cao’s men and their horses. Those who did not die in the flames drowned in the waters of Yangtze. Soon the fire broke out on the shore and set the camp ablaze, burning it to the ground together with almost the entirety of Cao Cao’s army.

The southern generals took full advantage of the chaos, leading a ferocious attack on the camp. The assault took the already disorganized army off guard and they suffered a terrible defeat. Cao Cao understood that the situation was hopeless, and ordered his remaining men to withdraw. Unwilling to let any undamaged ships fall into his enemies’ hands, he destroyed that last of his own vessels before he retreated.

Cao Cao fled with the remaining troops and they marched down the Huarong Road. The heavy rains from the last few days had turned the entire area into a sea of sticky mud. Chased by the southern troops, the fleeing soldiers drowned in the mud, or died of exhaustion and disease, while others were trampled to death by their own men on horseback. Before long, the great army of led by Cao Cao had been decimated.

The strategic mistakes of Cao Cao were made worse as his pride blinded him. The Warlord of Northern China thought he would win solely because his enemy lacked the numbers, yet numerical superiority proved no match for his enemies’ ingenuity.

Underestimating his enemy was Cao Cao’s first and most crucial mistake, and it ended the rule of the Han Dynasty. With the absolute defeat in the Battle of the Red Cliffs, Cao Cao laid the foundation for the bloody confrontations of The Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu, and Wu, which continued to fight for the right to rule China.

Battle Of Red Cliffs China

The Chancellor of the Han Dynasty Cao Cao died at the age of 65 after he had failed to unite China. His son proclaimed himself the Emperor of the state of Cao Wei and continued to fight against Shu and Wu, but without much success.

Battle Of Redcliff

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